Joy V.S. Happiness



Far to often in life it is easy to mistake Joy from Happiness. They are two different things. When I think of Joy I think of how peaceful my life is even when it to some isn’t joyous or think how could I be happy. Joy comes from the heart.

Happiness is something we chase. We tend to find happiness in things of this world. If we are suffering in one area of our life, then we could be replacing it with food, some kinds of substance addiction, or something like sex, or gambling or money, and even working. Anything that will make us happy for that moment or for that day, or at least take your mind off of what it is that is not making you happy.

I honestly feel that we don’t have joy in our hearts than being happy is a constant battle.

How do you find joy? Well there are many ways to find the joy in your heart. Helping others in one way. Doing something out of the kindness of your heart. This is healing your heart in some ways. You may not know it at first but it is. A simple act of kindness to one person a day can not only help you however could help that some one as well.

Another way you can find joy is be grateful. The more you are grateful throughout your day the more joy your heart is filled with. You won’t constantly be complaining about something, instead you will be grateful for it. For everything in this life happens for a reason. So be grateful.

Pray constantly throughout the day. The lord knows what you are going through and is more than willing to help you out in anyway. Do not only pray for yourself however pray for others too. This brings compassion in your life instead of selfishness. Ask the Lord to bring them Joy and peace into their hearts has well. Believe me there is power in prayer.

Change your negative thinking into being positive. You know the Lord won’t give you any more than you can handle. Ask him to remove the the negative thoughts. It heals you. It puts lot more joy in your heart. This also helps change the way you think to be more Christ like. As time goes on  and he changes you than no matter what you will have joy and life won’t be so rough.

Guys it is easy to be happy. Being happy is a choice. You really have to work at having a joyous heart. The only way that this can be done is through Christ himself for he made your heart. He is waiting to repair it.


Thank you. Choose to be happy today.

Melissa Giles

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